Un modo più intelligente per viaggiare dall'aeroporto di Milan Malpensa Aeroporto a Stresa

Trasferimenti aeroportuali sicuri, affidabili e più convenienti

Con ritorno
Una direzione
Valutato da migliaia di viaggiatori.
Scelto da milioni di persone
Servizio di assistenza 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Personalizzato e sicuro
Guida al trasferimento

Milan Malpensa Aeroporto a

Stresa is a charming town located on the shores of Lake Maggiore, the second biggest lake in Italy. Although it used to be just a small fishing village, recently it became a tourist center and a pleasant place to relax. There is now a modern Congress Palace that hosts many international conferences, annual film festivals, Stresa Music Weeks, and many other concerts and events.

Although the city is on the ferry lines and railways route, you will not find direct transport from Milan Malpensa airport to Stresa. If you decide to travel by train or bus, be prepared for changing buses and transfers via other destinations.


Since there is no direct line from Milan Malpensa airport to Stresa, you will also have to change to Busto Arsizio and then on to Stresa. In the end, you will not get exactly to your destination but only to the train station, from where you have to take a taxi.

More information about train ticket prices and timetables, you can find on the Trenitalia and Trenord websites.


The bus from the terminal at Milan Malpensa airport runs every two hours, and they at destinations where you will need to stop - every 2 hours or every 30 minutes, depending on the operator.

In any case, you need to study timetables and prices and adjust to the bus schedule. The transfer may take several hours. More details you can find on the Comazzibus website.

Scopri come miglioriamo il tuo modo di viaggiare

Colleghiamo il mondo da oltre un decennio

Viaggia semplicemente

Prenota un viaggio
Ricevi conferma immediata. Modifica i tuoi piani senza preoccupazioni.
Incontra il tuo autista
All'arrivo sarete accolti e accompagnati al vostro veicolo. State tranquilli, il conducente monitorerà il vostro volo, garantendo un ritiro tempestivo anche in caso di ritardi.
Raggiungi la tua destinazione
Il vostro autista vi accompagna al luogo scelto, segnando l'inizio del vostro viaggio.

Trasferimenti aeroportuali

To get to your destination safely and quickly, and make better use of your free or business time - book a private taxi. In just a few quick steps, you will ensure yourself a carefree and relaxed journey. The driver will be waiting for you at the airport, help with your luggage and provide you with the top-notch transfer service you deserve.

With new vehicles, reasonable prices, English-speaking drivers, and many other benefits, a private taxi is the best choice for a comfortable trip.

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