Geneva Flygplats Pendelbussar och privata transporter

Säker, pålitlig och mer prisvärd flygplatstransport

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Geneva Flygplats Shuttle

Geneva, Switzerland, is a modern-day center of diplomacy and financial institutions. The city boasts water views, rich history, outdoor activities. If you are thinking of getting a shuttle from the airport to the city center, you’ve come to the right place!

We have gathered the most important information on airport shuttles, trains, and private transportation. Public Transport in Geneva is also known as TPG and UNIRESO. It is an interconnected network of trams, shuttles, yellow taxi boats, and trains. The whole system uses the same tickets.

Rutter och tidtabeller för pendeltåg

If you land here, you get to ride the shuttle for free. Yes, you have read that correctly. Unireso free ticket allows using public transportation for 80min within the canton area. It also includes a train transfer to Cornavin station. Pick up your shuttle ticket from the distributor in the baggage claims area (Arrival level). You will find the bus stops at the Check-in and close to the CFF station. You will be happy to know that there are several different routes available.

You can catch a bus every 20 minutes, which, luckily, is not a long waiting time.

TIP: Shuttle lines number 5 and 10 have the best connections, since the other bus lines do not pass through the city center.

For more information on timetables and prices, click here.

Se hur vi förbättrar ditt sätt att resa

Vi har kopplat ihop världen i över ett decennium

Resa till/från flygplatsen, förenklad

Boka din transfer
Få omedelbar bekräftelse. Justera dina planer utan bekymmer.
Möte med din personliga förare
Vid din ankomst kommer du att bli välkomnad och eskorterad till ditt fordon. Var lugn, föraren kommer att övervaka din flygning och säkerställa en snabb upphämtning även om det blir förseningar.
Nå din destination
Din förare eskorterar dig till din valda plats och markerar början av din resa.

Privat transport som ditt förstahandsval

Even though public transport is safe and comfortable, it will not always be convenient. If your flight lands late or during the night, you will surely want more reliability. Available at any time of the day or night, private transportation sounds perfect.

There’s not even an extra charge for a night ride, unlike most local taxis. Aside from affordability, the best part of private transportation is the door-to-door service. Indulge yourself in a pleasant and comfortable ride.

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