Nice Flygplats Pendelbussar och privata transporter

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Nice Flygplats Shuttle

Once you land at Nice airport one may wonder what to do next. How to reach the city center? When someone mentions airport transfer – the first thing that comes to mind is shuttle service. Nice Airport offers 3 types of public transportation to reach the Nice city center. You can use the tram, bus, and train to get to the Nice center.

Rutter och tidtabeller för pendeltåg

No shuttle bus will take you directly to the Nice city center. Bus 12 remains an option for traveling along Promenade des Anglais to the old town. It is a regular commuter bus without space for luggage. It runs mostly four times per hour between Promenade des Arts (Nice city center) and Centre Commercial Cap 3000.

Where to find it? On the main street in front of the airport building. The Airport - Promenade stop is a short walk from Terminal 1. The price for a one-way ticket is 1.50 €, and you can buy it from the driver.

Se hur vi förbättrar ditt sätt att resa

Vi har kopplat ihop världen i över ett decennium

Res enkelt

Boka en resa
Få omedelbar bekräftelse. Justera dina planer utan bekymmer.
Träffa din chaufför
Vid din ankomst kommer du att bli välkomnad och eskorterad till ditt fordon. Var lugn, föraren kommer att övervaka din flygning och säkerställa en snabb upphämtning även om det blir förseningar.
Nå ditt mål
Din förare eskorterar dig till din valda plats och markerar början av din resa.

Privat transport som ditt förstahandsval

Planning your trip is a fun thing to do, but whether you like it or not, it also brings a small amount of stress and worries regarding some parts of your journey. How to get to your destination once you land is one of those situations you need to handle. There are many reasons why private transportation is a better option than shuttle services, buses, or trains. The main advantage is that you can book your transfer in advance and not worry about finding transportation once you land.

Booking your private transportation means that you know your driver will wait for you at the arrival hall, help you with your luggage, escort you to the vehicle and take you to your destination. It is a full door-to-door service. Just imagine that great feeling where you do not need to wait for a shuttle bus, train, or tram to get to your destination. Enjoy comfortable vehicles with free wi-fi, and our English-speaking drivers will assist you in any way.

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