Smartare sätt att resa från Venice Marco Polo Flygplats flygplats till Mestre

Säker, pålitlig och mer prisvärd flygplatstransport

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Venice Marco Polo Flygplats till

Mestre is considered a suburb of one of the most famous cities in the world - Venice. The suburb and city center are connected by the 2.6 -mile (4 km) Ponte Della Libertà Bridge. Although Mestre and Venice are very close to each other, prices can vary greatly.

If Mestre is your destination, you can take a bus or an airport taxi. Here are the details about each service.


The cheapest way to travel from Mestre to Venice Marco Polo Airport is by bus. Passengers can choose from:

When you decide to take ACTV bus 15, get prepared for at least 40-minute travel. One way ticket per person costs 8,00 EUR. Bus departs every 30 minutes and has 19 stops on the way. With the shuttle bus company ATVO, the ticket price is the same, 8,00 EUR. This route has slightly fewer stops making the transfer time about 15 minutes shorter.

If you don't mind following the timetable, waiting, or traveling in a crowd with so many extra stops along the way, then this is the right transportation option for you. The downside is that you have to walk to the station, and if you are going from the airport, you also have to find a way to get from the bus station to your address. Although the ticket itself per person is not expensive, if you travel with a group of friends or more family members, it will add a lot more to your cost than private transportation.

Se hur vi förbättrar ditt sätt att resa

Vi har kopplat ihop världen i över ett decennium


Although public transportation seems relatively cheap, the actual cost is not always obvious. The cost adds up, and transferring from one point to another takes a lot of time. You depend on timetables, need to wait for shuttle buses and of course - you haul the luggage by yourself. Would you prefer drinking cappuccino in a romantic cafe by the Venetian canals rather than ride forth and back in hot and crowded buses?

Airport taxi is the most common choice of passengers, especially in popular tourist destinations where crowds and traffic are impossible. With our driver, you arrive from the airport to your destination in Mestre in 15 minutes. Air-conditioned new vehicles and free wi-fi will make your trip seem even shorter. Always available, fast, and reliable - what more does a person need for a perfect transfer?

Resa till/från flygplatsen, förenklad

Boka din transfer
Få omedelbar bekräftelse. Justera dina planer utan bekymmer.
Möte med din personliga förare
Vid din ankomst kommer du att bli välkomnad och eskorterad till ditt fordon. Var lugn, föraren kommer att övervaka din flygning och säkerställa en snabb upphämtning även om det blir förseningar.
Nå din destination
Din förare eskorterar dig till din valda plats och markerar början av din resa.
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